In this update, you can now set custom trigger notifications for every form field and force that your workers fill out required fields before completing an inspection.
Now your inspections become even more powerful and versatile by allowing custom triggers that alert the right person or team at the right time and enforcing required fields for inspections.
Triggers is a brand new way to build action-based notifications for your inspections. It's extremely powerful, intuitive, and versatile in its functionality that enables you to seamlessly set up multiple types of messages to be sent out to different teams or users when specific actions take place.
Read our announcement of Triggers here.
All form fields now can be marked as required when performing inspections. When a form field is marked as "Required," the user will not be allowed to complete the inspection unless the required form fields have been completed.
Now you can upload a CSV or PDF file directly onto WorkClout and convert it to an inspection form template or document! A dedicated team member will covert your uploaded file right within your WorkClout account.
We've made it 10x easier to create an inspection right from the form template list. Simply click on the "Create Inspection" button to create a new inspection using the form template.
We've made it easier to add additional form fields when building your form between one another! Simply hover your mouse over the area between the two fields you'd like to add and click the plus button!